I raced ORAMM in 2004, finishing in about 7 hours, and in 2005, finishing in 6:40. I skipped it on 2006 because it was right in the middle of the Breckenridge 100 and the Wilderness 101. After my abysmal performance at Breckenridge I ended up in Georgia for a 6 hour race the following weekend, finishing a strong 2nd. Shoulda gone to ORAMM.
I was really bummed about missing the race that gave me the endurance bug last year, so I made sure it was on my calendar this year.
I'd been travelling solo or with my wife and dog to races this year, but at the last minute my buddy Mike jumped in. He was nursing a knee injury and wouldn't be racing, but wanted to participate in the debauchery. He'd drive. The only catch was that I'd have to leave Thursday instead of Friday. It was a tough decision leaving the steaminess of Florida in July for an extra day of sweet mountain coolness. It was a nice change of pace chilling in the passenger seat the entire way.

We rode around here Friday. Bent Creek is nice because it's easier on the legs than most of Pisgah or DuPont but still allows for some openers. It was 75 degrees and sunny at 2:00 PM. Heaven.
A crew from Florida and Texas filled a little lodge less than a mile from the Kitsuma trailhead. The proprieters were great. They gave us the run of the place, made us an early breakfast Sunday before the race and had a feast waiting for us when we got back Sunday night. There's nicer digs around, but their hospitality is hard to beat.

Saturday we did our traditional Kitsuma pre-ride. I climbed the switchbacks at race pace and spent the downhill getting comfortable riding switchbacks. I knew I had some work to do when I hit the first one a little tight, augered the front wheel, went over the bars and tumbled about 50 feet down the mountain. Luckily it was soft dirt and fauna and the only thing bruised was my ego.
Race day: We arrived at 7AM for the 8AM start. While registering I heard that the riders' meeting would be at 8 and the race would start at 8:30. Extra time is good. I decided to make my way to the front of the group for the meeting and start. That was a good thing because at 8:10 they decided the race would start at 8:11, leaving a bunch of people standing around their cars, wondering what happened to that extra time they were given.
We formed a nice paceline behind the neutral start car, except we left one unlucky fool up front to do all the pulling. When we hit the gravel and started climbing Mill Creek Road, Harlan went to the front and it was on. I kept pace with the lead group for a few minutes, then let them go in the interest of finishing strong. We formed a small chase group of 5-6 riders. We stayed that way up the road, through the surprise singletrack and downhill with downed trees buried in the grass, up and down Kitsuma to aid station 1. I stopped briefly to top off my bottle. I think everybody else stopped longer because I was alone through the Star Gap singletrack and onto the neverending grassy road. A singlespeeder went by me during the grassy road climbs, but I reeled him back in on the descent. I figured I'd see him going up Curtis Creek, but I never saw him again.
I topped off bottles at aid station 2 and headed up Curtis Creek Road. I love this climb because most people hate it, and this climb got me into the top 10. I'd ride a bearable tempo until I saw a rider ahead. I'd pick up the pace a bit until I got close, then I'd stand and hammer it to close the gap. Once on his wheel I'd recover for a minute, then stand and attack. I made the mistake of talking to my first victim (Andy Applegate) for a bit, and he re-grouped, stayed close behind and eventually returned the favor, finishing a few minutes ahead of me. I did exchange some pleasantries with all-around good guy Shey Lindner, but besides that it was all business.
I made my longest pit of the day (2 minutes) at the top of Curtis Creek Road to re-stock on food. A couple of the guys I passed rolled through the pit, so I worked to get past them again and settled into an easier pace. The efforts I put in up Curtis Creek took their tool and I figured I should recover a bit.
Recovery was good, because I had the best time I've ever had coming down Heartbreak Ridge. I was down into the lower switchbacks when I heard quite a clamor. Then I saw those unmistakable pink wheels. Dicky?!? I know he knows Heartbreak well, but catching me rigid? I know I suck at downhilling, but catching me rigid? I missed a switchback and stopped to let him by. He promptly followed my move from Saturday, only he didn't fall as far. He just plopped down onto the ground, laughing. I rolled on and he soon was back on my wheel, staying there until it flattened out when I "upshifted" and opened a small gap.
I stopped long enough at aid station 5 to top off my bottles, but Rich was in and out in like 2.3 seconds. I think all that NASCAR stuff in Charlotte is rubbing off on him. I thought we had a long flat paved section before Mill Creek Road part 2, so I wasn't worried. Then I left the aid station, made a right turn and hit the gravel climb. I had my work cut out for me if I wanted to keep the streak of not being beaten by a singlespeeder in '07 alive.
I knew this was the end, so I kicked it up the climb, slowly reeling Rich in. Once I closed the gap we finished the climb together until it flattened out and pointed down a bit, then I "upshifted" and opened up a bigger gap.
I gave the Kitsuma switchbacks all I had, passing one more racer in the process, and got down the back side without incident. When I got on the road for the home stretch, I looked back to see if I had a nice cruise or one final hammer. The rider I passed was about 200 yards back and was cranking it up. Hammer time. I put in my biggest gear, got into my best roadie tuck and went, not letting up until I was in Old Fort and my chaser was out of sight.
2005: 6:42, 22nd overall, 5th 30+
2007: 5:37, 7th overall, 1st 40+
That's a bit of improvement.
Awesome Job, Harvey! Seeing you go gives me hope as to where I can be after both my daughter's go to college.
hey is that guy calling you old?? :)
see you down in Pa!
well done Harv!
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